Big Dream

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         "Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem". All of us has a dream all of us wants to be a professional like doctors, engineers, architects, pilot, teacher and etc. What can we do to achieve those dreams that we want to reach? simply by studying hard and doing our best on reaching it.

             When I was just a child I always dreamed of becoming a doctor then a military man and then a pilot. Its easy to tell what you want to become but its not easy to decide what you really want to become. And now i have decided to take Civil Engineering for college. Its hard to decide but I think Senior High School would help me or help us.


              There are so many aspects that affects our dream or what we want to become like family, and friends. Follow what your heart really wants and start chasing your dream ''Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world."

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It stars with me!

Filipino: Wika ng Saliksik